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Ray House Taken Down - Hotel to Be Built Back

Thursday, July 7, 2016 | 4:07 PM

The historic Ray House in Haleyville, owned by Butch Benton, was torn down Friday July 1. Butch stated he and his wife Lea were saddened to have to do it, but it came down to that was the only choice. The Bentons had tried to save the house and utilize it for receptions and different functions. It soon became apparent there just was not enough return to make it worth while. The house was in such disrepair the amount of money required to bring the structure up to standards and make it usable was prohibitive. The house was put up for sale with no takers, thus the decision was made to take it down. The good news Benton pointed out was a plan to build a nice spacious 16 room upscale hotel in the same location. Benton said he feels there is a need in Haleyville and he has contracted with a consulting agency for a feasibility study for such a hotel. Once the study is done and financing can be obtained, then plans call for the construction to begin. Benton said they would need the support of the mayor, council and citizens of Haleyville to make this become a reality. 

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