Thursday, March 24, 2016 | 8:03 AM
The Haleyville City Board of Education met Tuesday at the Middle School and approved the following:
Student Religious Expression Policy
Virtual Education Option Policy
Dual Enrollment for Dual Credit Agreement with Northwest-Shoals Community College
An amendment to the FY 16 budget and the band handbook
Accepting a bid of $136,433.24 from Information Transport Solutions to provide "Internal Connections" contingent upon receiving E-rate Funding.
Amendments to the 2015-2016 athletic assignment list.
Financial statements and board expenditures for February in the amount of $1,212,525.98.
The use of school facilities for three events was approved including the Alumni Association of the HES lunchroom on June 4, the football stadium for the Haleyville Lions Club Easter egg hunt March 26, and the HES lunchroom for band banquet on April 30.
Two field trips were approved, one for the HHS cheerleaders to attend a UCA cheer camp in Tuscaloosa in June and two auto/welding/drafting students and an instructor to attend SKILLS competition in Birmingham in April.
Seven fund raisers were approved.
Under personnel, the board approved the resignation of Tammy Bailey as bookkeeper at the Middle School and the resignation of Trent Givens as teacher at Haleyville Schools.
Following the board meeting, the board members attended the first ever Middle School Bands March Concert in the Middle School gym.
The Haleyville City Board of Education meets the fourth Tuesday of each month.