Monday, May 4, 2015 | 7:05 PM
The Haleyville City Council met Monday and proponed approving a franchise agreement with Centurylink. In Resolution 2016-17, the city made an offer to buy masonry blocks for buildings at the new sports complex. The architect for the new city hall made a mistake and ordered the wrong color blocks for city hall. The architect settled with his insurance company and the City offered $5,000 for the masonry products. The resolution was approved, thus saving the City money for later construction at the sports complex.
The Council approved advertising for a a full-time employee in the street and sanitation department. The Coulncil approved the hiring of seasonal lifeguards. Returning lifeguards are Tori Pendley and Devin Knight at $8.00/hr and Tori Pace at $7.75/hr. Reid Haughton, Mary Lakeman, and Will Evans at $7.50/hr.
The next city council meeting was moved from Monday, May 18 to Thursday May 21.