By Sam Poe
Saturday, August 10, 2013 | 1:08 AM
The Haleyville City Board of Education met for a special called meeting Friday afternoon. All members were present, and the agenda for the meeting was approved. The following items were approved:
-Revised Curriculum Guide and Sponsors/Stipends for HHS for 2013-2014
-Use of HMS Cafeteria for Haleyville Chamber of Commerce August 22 at 6:30 p.m.
-Nomination of Steve Stott as AASB All-State School Board Member (Stott abstained from the vote.)
-Use of HMS Cafeteria to the Haleyville Rotary Club August 30 from 4:30-6:30 p.m.
-Resignation of Steve Spiller as HHS Math Teacher effective July 29
-Hire of Mandy Townsend as HHS Math Teacher
-Hire of Robert Heath Guin as Secondary English/Language Arts Teacher at HHS
-Hire of Caleb Beason as Agriscience Teacher at HCoT
-Hire of Christy Bice as Reading Coach at HES
-Hire of Lauren Hall as HES Teacher
-Fundraisers for various departments